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Staff Conference IC’s Marketing Questionnaire
Staff Conference IC’s Marketing Questionnaire
Social Media- Marketing in 2024
IC survey to ascertain needs
Thinking about your Marketing, are you interested in Social Media Marketing ?
Yes (carry on and answer the remaining questions
No (thanks you can finish here)
Not Sure
Do you currently use any of the following platforms?
Linked in
Currently I do not have any social media platforms
What is your biggest challenge when it comes to Social media?
Lack of time
Limited skill set
Lack of money to do paid avertising
Lack of content ideas
Other Please specify
Select All
Please specify and Other challenges you have around social media?
What aspects of Social Media Marketing are you interested to learn more about
Gaining a greater understanding of FB, Insta, Linked in
Optimizing your page/ profile
Collaborative posting (with MBT or each other)
Keywords/hash tags
Creating engaging content
Making a Reel
Understanding the difference between stories/ reels/ posts
How to talk to your audience
Creating a community
OTHER please specify
Please specify any other aspects of Social Media you are keen to learn more about
What types of travel content do you think your audience finds most appealing?
Select up to 3 only
Travel tips
Deals/ offers
New products to market- Hotel, cruise lines
Advisor travels and in the know information
Emerging/ Hot destinations
Other please specify
Please specify the 'other' types of content you think your audience may appreciate??
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